With great fondness, I recall the events that unfolded one year ago around this time during the auspicious Panihati Chida-dahi Festival, ‘Snana Yatra’, and ‘Ratha Yatra’.

In Vrindavan, in May 2023, I was blessed to meet the legendary devotee and direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Her Grace Daivi Shakti Devi Dasi at Mangal Arati in front of Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi. She immediately enquired why I came to Vrindavan and recommended printing in Delhi and kindly arranged an appointment.

Davinder Kumar, the experienced designer at the printing house, worked with me through the entire book for several hours and improved things to my heart’s content. To be at a printing house was exciting for me because my occupation had been typesetting.

Finally, on June 1, 2023, while I was on my way back to Vrindavan, my 0.282 kg beautifully printed book sat on my lap in the car, and the evening sun was shining on it. 

The next day, on the auspicious day of the ‘Panihati festival’, ….

…. an extraordinary blessing fell upon me: I offered the first-printed copy of “A Heart Full of Gratitude” with a handwritten dedication to Srila Prabhupada at his Bhajan Kutir, at the Radha-Damodar temple in Vrindavan, where Srila Prabhupada resides eternally. As he says: “This corner at the Radha-Damodar temple is just like the hub of the wheel of the spiritual world—it is the center”.

After browsing through the entire book for Srila Prabhupada’s pleasure—with the sound vibration of the holy name—through a pujari the book touched Radharani’s lotus hand, Krishna’s lotus feet, and the Govardhan Shila bearing the imprints of Krishna’s footprint, walking stick, flute and the hoof-print of a calf.

That wasn’t the end. Yet another pujari returned the book to me, along with a basket full of various delicious sweets. With grace, he raised his hands and blessed me. This unexpected, transcendental reward melted my heart. I felt that all the hardships I had gone through were truly worth it.

I remember: During an intense time of struggle but not losing trust in Krishna, knowing His plans are always the best, I got some encouraging words from His dear devotee Yasomati: “I admire your tolerance, focus, and determination regarding all these hurdles. Krishna is watching. In the end, all will end beautifully and as Krishna intends for your book”.

Amazingly, her predictions have come true. Also, the book brought me back to Vrindavan after more than ten-year absence, and I relished it deeply.

Vrindavan is a charmingly beautiful place, and situated there in the grove known as Seva-Kunja is the sacred temple of Sri Sri Radha-Damodar. I take the lotus feet of these Deities as my only shelter, and I petition Them to be kind upon me and guide me to life’s ultimate goal”. —Srila Prabhupada

After I offered the book to all Their Lordships, on my way to Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi, I met Daivi Shakti right in front of her Matchless Gift Bookstore. I took this golden opportunity to gift her my book and she kindly accepted it. The distribution of my book began with her blessings and those of Srila Prabhupada, whose Maha garland of fragrant, soft red roses I received from his sacred Samadhi.

“On the following day, during the train journey back to Mayapur, I had the opportunity to distribute two books: one to a young lady devotee and another to a teacher. Additionally, I received a message from Daivi Shakti, who expressed, ‘Very sweet book—I am halfway through’.

Back in Mayapur, on the auspicious day of ‘Snana Yatra’ ….

…. the offering of the book continued through a small parikrama from one place to the next: Samadhi, Bhajan Kutir, altar; Pancha-Tattwa, Radha-Madhava, Nrisimhadeva and Srila Prabhupada’s room in the Conch building.

In Rajapur, Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra cast benevolent glances upon my book as well.

After handing out some to my friends, all I had to focus on was getting ready for my flight to Switzerland the next day.

While I was at the airport, my son-in-law Nrisimha, offered a copy of the book to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura at Bhaktivinode Asan – ISKCON Ultadanga. That book was gifted to our dear Ananga Mohan Prabhu, the vice president of the Kolkata temple and overseer of Ultadanga. After hearing this news, I felt ready and blessed to preach in the West.

Barely arrived in Switzerland, I received an inspiring WhatsApp message from Sitala Dasi. Given this valuable feedback, I was excited to distribute my book to the world.

“Haribol, Guruseva! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your book and congratulate you on your accomplishment…

I have personal experience that it is not an easy thing to get a book done, especially when English is not your first language, and you don’t know anything about publishing. I know what it’s like to try and get something done, and I’m happy to see that you did it so nicely! It looks beautiful! I read it already…. It’s the kind of book you just read through. It doesn’t take so long.

I enjoyed it and thought that you did a fantastic job. I think it would be a wonderful book for you to distribute. It just seems perfect for anybody, but especially for people to get into Krishna Consciousness easily through a story, an interesting story. There is also so much substance to it and so much gentle explanation of all the different aspects of Krishna Consciousness in a way that’s very understandable!

I think people would love to get a book directly from the author. I just wanted to congratulate you; it’s absolutely wonderful that you’ve been able to do this.

All glories to your dedication and your service and commitment! And yes, I’m always one who wants to give the most sincere respect to book distributors. Because I know that book distribution is the most special service, the most amazing service. People who do it are not ordinary people.”

During the Ratha Yatra festival in Zurich, Switzerland, ….

…. my book and that of Radhe-Shyama (Fredy) who was my travelling partner mentioned in my book—were sold by Uttama Sloka at his diverse book table.

“Upon my return to Mayapur, I presented to my revered Guru Maharaja, His Holiness Niranjana Swami, the copy that I had previously presented to Srila Prabhupada at his Bhajan Kutir in Vrindavan.”

You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction. [Bg 2.47]

“If you are interested in learning about the auspicious festivals of ‘Panihati Chida-dahi’, ‘Snana Yatra’, and ‘Ratha Yatra’, you will find ample information online.”


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