I started this blog to share with you more of ‘My Story’ as I wrote in my book—‘A Heart Full of Gratitude’. I enjoy speaking with you on topics that may touch your heart through the process of bhakti-yoga. My wish is to be there for you—to answer questions that are important to you. Don’t be shy—and give it a try!

About the Author

Silvia Kaderli was born in 1958 in the lovely town of Zug, Switzerland. She learned the interesting profession of a typesetter. Although she was passionate about her job, she also perceived the chaos of today’s civilization. Therefore she went on a world trip with the desire not to return until she found a better way of life and its true meaning.

While traveling the world, she came in contact with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in New Zealand in 1983. She is a disciple of His Holiness Niranjana Swami, who is a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada. Niranjana Swami named her Guruseva devi dasi. In 1994 she moved from Switzerland to India where she continues to live to this day. She loves to share the treasure she has found in Vedic wisdom.

Guruseva Devi Dasi


Cholla-Cactus Monster

Dear reader, I have already told you about the terrible cactus monsters in my book ‘A Heart Full of Gratitude’ (Chapter one.) I added the Cholla-Cactus story at the end for you—in case you haven´t read Read more…